GVBC Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry of Green Valley Baptist Church has one primary function: To Connect Men
First and foremost is to connect Men to their Maker, the Lord Jesus Christ. Men must be introduced to the Lord in order to begin an ongoing, growing, personal relationship to Him. This is accomplished through fellowships, testimonials, men’s events, and through one-on-one purposeful discussions concerning right and wrong, good and evil, and Heaven and Hell.
Then, as men accept the Lord, we connect men to their Maker, God Almighty. Through small groups and discipleship, men learn the principles of godly living and what it means to “pick up your cross and follow Christ’. This is accomplished through Bible studies, book studies and biblical teaching.
By connecting Men to other godly men, discipleship continues in the areas of honesty, integrity, and personal accountability. Men become accountable to other men in small group settings. The greatest earthly expression of a man’s relationship to God is his relationship with his family. We want to connect men to their families where they can love their wives as Christ loves the church and love their children with the same heart as Jesus.
Connecting Men to God
Connecting Men to their Families
Connecting Men to other godly Men
Get Connected!
Ephesians 4:2b: In Christ’s body we’re all connected to each other… (the Message)
Attention, ALL GUYS, 18-108 years old, we want you to join us on Wednesday Evenings.
We’ll meet every Wed (minus holidays) from 6-7 PM.
Our current study is “Spiritual Warfare”.
Group is open AND FREE to all who would like to join us.
Monthly Men’s Breakfast
8:00 AM, in the gym
Open to men of all ages! Our monthly Men’s Breakfast is held on the SECOND Saturday of each month. Please join us for our next Monthly Men’s Breakfast and enjoy a great breakfast and a rich time of fellowship.
Men’s Weekly Breakfast – Tuesday’s
9:00 AM – Perkins Restaurant
Join us for our weekly breakfast on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 AM (or 8:45 AM if you want to come early) at Perkins Restaurant on Frederick Avenue. All ages are welcome to attend. The Tues Breakfast has resumed wkly meetings at the Perkin’s Rest on Frederick Ave.
Men’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study – led by Gary Miller
6:30 – 7:30 AM, room #1 (breakfast usually NOT included)
Open to all men! Start your day off right, in the Word, and encouraged by your fellow brothers in Christ.