Use of the Green Valley facilities is reserved ONLY for members and/or
regular attendees of Green Valley Baptist Church.
If the building is not available, for any reason, you will be notified. 
(You will NOT be notified otherwise)
All ministry/fellowship events will take priority over personal events.
Building Use Policies:
Set-Up/Tear Down:
When you are using the building for ministry, fellowship, or personal events, it will be your (or your groups) responsibility to do your own set-up and tear-down for the event.
When you are having personal events such as (but not limited to):  baby showers, wedding showers, family reunions, birthday parties, use of the building for anything that is not church related, it will be your responsibility to pick up and check out a key from the church office or make arrangements for the building to be open.  Keys must be promptly returned after the event.
Cleaning Deposit:
Members and non-members alike will pay a $50 cleaning deposit for the use of the church building Gym and/or Kitchen (only) for personal events, ie: baby showers, wedding showers, family reunions, or using the building for anything that is not church-related.  After your event, the building will be assessed and refund of your deposit will be based upon the assessment.  
If more than 2 hours cleaning are required after your event, your entire deposit may be used to offset the cost of custodial services.
Payment of DEPOSIT is REQUIRED when the Organizer is submitted (OR the following day, if submitted online) 
Your event will not be added to the master calendar until the deposit has been received and Staff approval has been granted.
All personal activities scheduled for Saturday evening MUST END BY 9:00 PM in order for the custodian to have time to clean for Sunday morning.
NO personal events are to be scheduled on Sundays.  (there are NO exceptions)
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